dakila darksteel

dakila darksteel ▸ brynhildr


What can you know about a person?
They shift in the light. You can't
light up all sides at once.

Add a second light and you get
a second darkness, it's only fair.



masc-aligned nonbinary
3rd sun of the 2nd umbral moon
black shroud
true neutral


physical combat skills:
magical combat skills:
literacy skills:
artistic skills:
crafting skills:





a private investigator based in ishgard. his background is rather dark and well hidden, and one that he very rarely discloses with others. originally named "diwa ilagan", his parents separated early on into his childhood, and so his mother was the one who ended up raising him. as a way to somewhat cope with the whole ordeal, the two found a small church devoted to althyk hidden within the shroud. unfortunately, though, the church gradually revealed itself to be a cult in disguise, with the leader thirsting for power and authority. this became clear to dakila early in his adolescence, after withstanding awful punishments for his behaviour and witnessing his mother be executed by the cult leader. in his late teens, dakila decided to try for an escape, resulting in him breaking both of his legs after surviving a fall from a cliff, saved by a nearby conjurer. this was the point where he created the alias "dakila darksteel" for himself, and spent a short amount of time picking himself back up onto his feet in gridania, figuring out what direction he wanted to head in next. over the next decade, he managed to make a name for himself by picking up various cases and other work as a detective, receiving tasks from both grand companies and individual clients, while offering other... somewhat illegal services simultaneously. somehow, he makes it work.

those who know dakila closely would describe him as... "difficult to tolerate", "painful to be around", and "the most insufferable man in eorzea." not biased in any way, of course, but he is a bit rough around the edges with his general demeanor, particularly how laid back he is for a man in his profession, and how often he flirts with clients, too. besides that, though, he isn't all that bad. while his morals may be a somewhat grey area, and some may consider him a "bit of a dick", there's still some good to him. for those that he's close to, he cares more than he would like to admit, especially for a certain forensic scientist... and while he may come off as lazy and incompetent, he's actually quite thorough and reliable with his work, just a little difficult to cooperate with on occasion. essentially, once you make it past his insufferable persona, you can generally get along with him quite well.

notable ocs

a forensic scientist hired by dakila to assist in solving cases. although, you could argue they're much more than just that, but both of them would deny it. either way, the two spend an awful lot of time together while only being business associates, and can often be found in each others offices.

a friend and work associate of lucan, who has the misfortune of being at his office whenever dakila seems to have stayed the night. they get along somewhat well, though shushuya tends to have to tolerate him most of the time. secretly, dakila is afraid of her, but tries his best to hide it. occasionally, dakila lends a hand at the perfumed parlour to assist her.

rexiverus leporidae

- he/him -

one of the hitmen recruited for dakila's underground operations. originating from the first, the story of how he ended up in ishgard taking out targets for dakila is a long and convoluted one. the two are still friends outside of work, with dakila being one of the only other people he speaks to.

the young white mage who once saved dakila's life. only a conjurer at the time, azerah was the one who spotted him unconscious in the woods of the shroud after just barely surviving a fall following his escape, and managed to bring him back from the brink with what little conjury they knew then. the two are somewhat close, visiting one another on occasion.

azerah divinus

- they/them -

...«private investigator»

”detective darksteel, at your service.”

on the surface, dakila works as a private investigator, most commonly known as detective darksteel. while he is often hired by individuals seeking answers, occasionally the various grand companies enlist his help to solve various murder cases across eorzea.

«underground hitman»...

”i do provide... 'other' services, if you catch my drift.”

below the surface, however, dakila seems to be running something a little shadier. he takes on commissions from various individuals, by both taking out the targets himself and recruiting other hitmen, then tampers with the evidence when investigating the murders as to cover everyone's backs.

...«by the twelve»

”what? i don't look the religious type? what the hell, man.”

despite appearances and the connotations from his past, dakila is still somewhat faithful to the twelve, particularly althyk. while he may not believe in every aspect of worship, it seems to be more of a coping mechanism for him than anything. azerah, the previously mentioned white mage, is also a follower of the twelve and helped rejuvinate dakila's belief when he was recovering in gridania.

«escaping the past»...

”i am never stepping foot in there again, i swear...”

he is continuously running from his past, and so does his best to avoid the shroud out of fear of the cult that resides there. as such, "dakila darksteel" is obviously not his real name, and instead an alias he picked up to conceal his identity. his true name is "diwa ilagan", though only a handful of people know.